Officers and Directors

Chapter policies are set by an elected Board of Directors consisting of the Chapter Officers and six Board Members.

Chapter Officers include the President, Vice-President, Program Director, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer.

All officers are elected for a 1-year term, and officers may serve up to three consecutive terms except that the Vice-President and the Assistant Treasurer may serve up to six consecutive terms.

Board members are elected for one 3-year term, and their terms are staggered so that two members are elected annually.


President Terry Baker 410-812-9063
Vice President Jim Harding 302-245-8511
Program Chair Joanne Spink 302-463-0199
Secretary Jane Bartolomeo 302-436-8208
Asst. Secretary Paula Pinkett 302-228-6284
Treasurer Sheila Bower 602-688-5300
Asst. Treasurer Coleen Cardy 724-238-3967
Past President advisor Kathy Johnson 302-829-8956


Ida Crist 2025-2027 302-732-6336
Joan DeMarco 2023-2025 410-250-0963
Sandy Raymond 2024-2026 301-651-2284
Susan Kerwin 2025-2027 302-236-3481
Kathy Lesperance 2025-2027 302-537-7845


Maureen Eisenhardt 302-988-1198
Linda Burns Filer 302-354-5656
Lana Linz 302-245-3502
Mabel Ruddo 302-541-8549
Terry Gessner Griswold 443-752-4513


Community Service Kathy Lesperance 302-537-7845
Chorus Ann Jaeger 302-645-8023
Legislative/Environmental Ted Spickler 302-927-0050
Membership Kay Houston 302-732-6977
Newsletter Nancy Archey 703-919-8254
Scholarship Ida Crist 302-732-6336
Shirley Price 302-236-7046
Sunshine Joan Wolf 302-541-0513
Tours Jim Harding 302-245-8511
Web Coordinator Frances Hart 703-801-7216
Nancy Archey 703-919-8254
50/50 Joan Wolf 302-541-0513
Cookie Butts 302-541-9264